Below is a list of files, reports, and studies regarding the status and the benefits of the Los Angeles Streetcar. Click the title of each to download.

NEPA Environmental Assessment, July 2018

Federal environmental review document; public comment concluded on August 21, 2018

City Staff Report on Preliminary Engineering, Project Schedule, and New Independent Cost Estimate, June 2017

Updated Project Schedule and New Independent Cost Estimate

CEQA Environmental Impact Report – Certified by LA City Council, November 2016

Certified by LA City Council, approving selection of 7th Street as Locally Preferred Alternative

Streetcar Community Update Presentation, June 2016

A presentation to the downtown community providing an update on the project summary, recent progress, and outlook for the next few years.

Metro Potential Bond Measure Draft Expenditure Plan, March 2016

Includes $200 million in funding for Downtown Los Angeles Streetcar.

AECOM-URS Independent Cost Estimate, May 2015

Cost estimate produced by the streetcar project manager showing a total estimated project cost of $281.6 million in 2019 dollars.

AECOM Economic Impact Report, September 2014

Highlights economic benefits of the streetcar, including an increase in development valued at $1.6 billion, over 20,000 jobs (permanent and construction), and 4,500 new housing units above baseline production that wouldn’t have occurred without the streetcar. Link to technical appendix here

$295 Million for 30-Year Streetcar Operations, March 2013

City Council committed to fund streetcar operations for 30 years, at a total cost of $295 million ($5.9 million in opening year, escalating by 3% per year thereafter).

Streetcar Alternatives Analysis, January 2012

An analysis and report of route alternatives for the streetcar, including the recommended “Locally Preferred Alternative,” produced by Metro.

Feasibility Study, July 2006

A study examining the feasibility of restoring streetcar service to downtown LA, produced by the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles.


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