Where will the streetcar go?

A map of the streetcar route can be found to the right. The streetcar will start at Hill Street, travel east along 1st Street, south along Broadway, west along 11th Street, north along Figueroa Street, east along 7th Street, and north along Hill back to 1st Street. If the Grand Avenue extension is built during the first phase, the streetcar will also travel west along 1st Street to Grand Avenue, stop at a mid-block station north of 2nd Street and across from Walt Disney Concert Hall, and then back north and then east to 1st and Hill Street.

The route, based on residential feedback and now approved by the City Council and Metro, was selected to minimize congestion while maximizing accessibility to some of the most valued cultural, entertainment, and business destinations in downtown. Approximately four miles in length, the streetcar will link several of downtown’s most highly trafficked neighborhoods, from LA Live and South Park to Bunker Hill, the Civic Center, and Historic Broadway.

During the streetcar environmental review process, the City and Los Angeles Streetcar, Inc. also considered a route that would run east on 9th Street rather than 7th. After a public review period and input from the planning and land use committee, City Council voted to approve and proceed with the 7th Street alignment.

The route selection process

The Streetcar team hosted a series of workshops where downtown residents and business owners were given the chance to propose their desired route. Suggestions were evaluated according to a variety of criteria, including:

  1. How routes connected major destination centers.
  2. How routes integrated with existing infrastructure investments, potential ridership, and numerous other considerations.

To learn more about the route selection process, you can find the Metro-led Alternatives Analysis report here.

You can also find the approved final environmental impact report (EIR) here.


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